Additional 2017 AHP Competitive Application Changes

December 22, 2016

The application deadline for the 2017 AHP funding competition is March 6, 2017.

The following changes to the Bank’s AHP Implementation Plan are effective immediately.

Competitive AHP

Application Scoring:  In-District Projects
We have created a new three-point scoring category to award points to projects that create affordable housing within the Bank’s district, which is made up of Arizona, California, and Nevada.

Three points will be awarded to projects where all units are located in the Bank’s district. No partial points will be awarded. 

Application Scoring:  Nonprofit Sponsorship
To create the new In-District Projects scoring category, we decreased the Nonprofit Sponsorship scoring category by three points, from ten to seven. Within the category, the scoring element that gauges a nonprofit sponsor’s integral involvement in a project’s development activities has been eliminated for rental projects and decreased by three points for owner-occupied projects.

redline version of the IP outlining changes from the prior version is available. For questions about IP revisions, please email