2024 WISH Program - Participating Financial Institutions
The following Bank members are participating in the 2024 WISH Program and can reserve funds to make grants to eligible first-time homebuyers. Interested homebuyers should contact a member financial institution currently participating in the WISH Program directly to learn more about applying for a matching grant.
Note: This list will continue to be updated as more member financial institutions participate in the 2024 WISH Program.
Member | Contact Name | Contact Email |
Arizona Central Credit Union | Tresa Kon | tresa.kon@azcentralcu.org |
Banc of California | Thomas Fuentes | tfuentes@pacwest.com |
Cathay Bank | Susanna Tapia | susanna.tapia@cathaybank.com |
Chaffey Federal Credit Union | Virginia Harrison | virginia@chaffey.com |
Clark County Credit Union | Sheila Bryson | brysons@ccculv.com |
CommonWealth Central Credit Union | Jayne Perryman | jperryman@wealthcu.org |
Community Valley Bank | Susana Castro | scastro@yourcvb.com |
Copper State Credit Union | Shelley Vance | svance@copperstatecu.org |
Credit Union West | Danielle Wallace | danielle.wallace@cuwest.org |
Desert Financial Credit Union | Brian Lorenc | brian.lorenc@definemtg.com |
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Central California | Kristine Cottardi | kcottardi@fmbonline.com |
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach | Andrea Carlson | andrea.carlson@fmb.com |
First Northern Bank of Dixon | Tom McLaughlin | tmclaughlin@thatsmybank.com |
First U.S. Community Credit Union | Chris Tatton | ctatton@firstus.org |
Goldwater Bank, N.A. | Diana Myers | Diana.Myers@goldwaterbank.com |
Greater Nevada Credit Union | Kristal Ross | kross@gnms.com |
KeyPoint Credit Union | Anita Domondon | adomondon@kpcu.com |
Kinecta Federal Credit Union | Jeremy Morganegg | jeremy.morganegg@kinecta.org |
Mechanics Bank | Fred Lambright | fred_lambright@mechanicsbank.com |
Members 1st Credit Union | Aaron Pitroff | mortgages@m1cu.org |
Meriwest Credit Union | Margarita Rincon | mrincon@meriwest.com |
Mission Federal Credit Union | Dan Helt | danielh@missionfed.com |
Montecito Bank & Trust | Brianna Aguilar | baguilar@montecito.bank |
Noble Federal Credit Union | Marri Turner | MortgageApplications@NobleCU.com |
Oak Valley Community Bank | Cheryl Van Beekom | cvanbeekom@ovcb.com |
OneAZ Credit Union | Andy Whalen | AWhalen@oneazcu.com |
Patelco Credit Union | Home Loans Department | mortgagelending@patelco.org |
Premier America Credit Union | Vali Sasu | vali.sasu@premieramerica.com |
Raza Development Fund | Laura Avelar | lavelar@razafund.org |
River City Bank | Jennifer Tatum | jennifer.tatum@rivercitybank.com |
Santa Cruz County Bank | MaryAnn Hopp | mhopp@sccountybank.com |
Savings Bank of Mendocino County | Lisa Doster | ldoster@savingsbank.com |
Southland Credit Union | Jon Huizar | jhuizar@southlandcu.org |
Strata Federal Credit Union | Ashley Bierman | ashley.bierman@stratacu.org |
The Golden 1 Credit Union | Jonathan Engler | WISHprogram@golden1.com |
Travis Credit Union | Zarah Volkhardt | zvolkhardt@traviscu.org |
Tri Counties Bank | Ben Copeland | bencopeland@tcbk.com |
TruWest Credit Union | Kristin Stanton-Cothern | kxcothern@truwest.org |
USC Credit Union | Alex Johnson | ajohnson@usccreditunion.org |
Valley First Credit Union | Real Estate Lending | WISHProgram@valleyfirstcu.org |
Western Alliance Bank | Suzanne Cincera | suzanne.cincera@westernalliancebank.com |
Yolo Federal Credit Union | Real Estate Department | realestate@yolofcu.org |