WISH Program for First-Time Homebuyers

Homeownership continues to be a big part of the American dream. For low- to moderate-income individuals and families, the journey to becoming a homebuyer takes an extraordinary amount of hard work, thrift, and determination. The downpayment assistance our program offers can help aspiring homeowners overcome one of the biggest barriers to achieving their dream and building wealth.
Our Workforce Initiative Subsidy for Homeownership (WISH) Program provides 4-to-1 matching grants of up to the annual maximum amount set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, currently $30,806, delivered by our member financial institutions directly to eligible low- to moderate-income homebuyers. The WISH Program presents an opportunity to support affordable, sustainable homeownership for first-time homebuyers while enabling our participating members to achieve their own community investment goals. Funding for the WISH Program is set aside each year from the Bank's annual AHP contribution. WISH grants may be applied to downpayment and closing costs, and can complement or supplement many local, state, and federal homeownership programs and initiatives.
To be eligible for WISH Program funds, the homebuyer receiving a grant from a participating member financial institution must:
have successfully completed a homebuyer counseling program
be a first-time homebuyer, as defined by the Bank in its AHP Implementation Plan
meet income eligibility guidelines, as published by the Bank at the time of enrollment in the WISH Program and be at or below 80% of the HUD area median income
contribute to the home purchase through savings, gift funds, or sweat equity to obtain the matching grant; contribution may also include Individual Development Accounts (IDA) and Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program savings
open escrow on a home purchase transaction within one year of enrollment in the WISH Program
Individuals interested in the matching grant funds available through the WISH Program should contact our member financial institutions currently participating in the program or visit Resources for First-Time Homebuyers for general information about homeownership assistance programs and resources.
WISH Communications Resources
For members planning to distribute a news release or promote their WISH Program participation on social media, a WISH Program communications toolkit is available. This includes a news release template, key messages, guidance around FHLBank San Francisco's naming convention and logo usage, and more.
The FHLBank San Francisco’s communications team would be happy to review your content, provide descriptive language about the WISH Program, share a quote from the Bank, and amplify your social media posts. Please contact Chris Hammond, Associate Director, Corporate Communications for assistance with your promotional efforts.
WISH Resources
WISH Participation
With $13 million available in the 2024 WISH Program, member financial institutions can submit a request to participate in the program through our new Community Investment Portal through March 14, 2025.
WISH Disbursement
Upon completing the program participation process, member financial institutions can enroll a homebuyer, reserve funds, and then request disbursement of funds through our new Community Investment Portal.
WISH Notice and Repayment
If there is a sale, transfer, assignment of title or deed, refinancing, foreclosure, or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure of a WISH- or IDEA-assisted unit during the retention period, required notification and repayment calculations can be completed in our new Community Investment Portal.
Policy Updates
The AHP Implementation Plan sets forth certain policies, procedures, standards, and requirements applicable to the Bank’s AHP, including the WISH program, as required by the AHP Regulations (Title 12, Part 1291 of the Code of Federal Regulations).
Community Investment Portal
An online and self-service interface for our members and their community partners to access records, apply for funds, request disbursement, and meet compliance requirements for the Bank’s community investment programs.