2021 Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Competitive Application Scoring Changes

April 23, 2020

The Federal Housing Finance Agency issued a Final Rule amending the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Regulation on November 28, 2018. The deadline for full implementation of all provisions of the Final Rule is January 1, 2021.

To meet the deadline of January 1, 2021 for full implementation of the Final Rule in advance of the 2021 AHP funding competition, the Bank has made Implementation Plan (IP) revisions related to the competitive AHP only. These changes were developed in response to requirements in the Final Rule, guidance and feedback from the Bank’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council, and findings from extensive research the Bank undertook to identify and assess significant affordable housing needs in our district.

The revisions to the scoring categories highlighted below have been approved by the Bank’s Board of Directors and are reflected in the IP, but will not be effective until January 1, 2021.

Competitive AHP Scoring

  1. Use of Donated or Conveyed Government-owned or Other Properties (Attachment B, Section I.)
  2. Targeting to Lower-Income Households (Attachment B, Section IV.)
  3. Housing for Households Requiring Large Units – New Category (Attachment B, Section VII.)
  4. Promotion of Empowerment (Attachment B, Section IX.)
  5. Community Stability (Attachment B, Section X.
  6. Project Readiness (Attachment B, Section XI.)
  7. Subsidy per Unit (Attachment B, Section XI.)

In addition to the scoring category changes referenced above, scoring priorities and categories have been brought into alignment with the mandatory statutory and regulatory naming conventions of the Final Rule.

redline version of the IP outlining changes from the prior version is available. 

In addition, the December 6, 2019 IP that remains in effect through 2020 is also available. Please email ahp@fhlbsf.com with any questions.