2019 AHP Competitive Application Changes

December 14, 2018

The application deadline for the 2019 AHP funding competition is March 4, 2019.

The following changes to the Bank’s AHP Implementation Plan are effective immediately.


Project (Section D. 2.)

We have revised the definition of "project" to clarify that for certain types of developments, including those considered to be part of a "hybrid" project by a state tax credit agency, the Bank may make an exception to the requirement that all residential units in a structure(s) be included in the "project”, provided that the units comprising the project requesting subsidy are financed and operated independently, and identified by a separate legal description.

Competitive AHP

Application Maximum Per Project Subsidy Limit (Eligibility, Section B.2.d.)

We have decreased the maximum subsidy a project may request from $2 million to $1.5 million.

Application Scoring: Promotion of Empowerment (Attachment B, Scoring Guidelines, Section V.)

We have clarified the threshold requirements to receive points in the empowerment scoring category by clearly stating that services must be provided to all residents.

A redline version of the IP outlining changes from the prior version is available. For questions about IP revisions, please email ahp@fhlbsf.com.